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Privacy policy


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new EU regulation valid from 25 May 2018. The new regulation replaces PUL (Personal Data Act). The following is information about how we treat personal information, cookies, security, and more.

Handling of personal data

Your personal information is used to answer requests and communications. The data is also handled for communicating offers, billing and important information. We will never pass on to third parties.

Contact form
With the check box at the form on our website, you agree that you understand that your information is saved together so that it is possible to reply to the message. We will never pass on to third parties.

On our website we use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that the site you visit requests to save on your computer. Our site uses cookies to differentiate if page visitors are new or recurring and facilitate the visitor to move on the website. Cookies are not malicious software and can not access or modify any other data on your computer. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can block cookies, either all or just from specific sites. However, this causes the functionality of some pages to deteriorate or some features are not available

Google Analytics
With Google Analytics, we will be able to see how visitors are using our website. For example, we can see which pages are most visited, which devices our visitors use, which browser the visitor uses, and thus be able to customize our pages. We can also use the information for troubleshooting. The information can not be traced back to individuals.

Google Analytics Remarketing
Places cookies on your computer that allows Google to show you ads that you may be interested in after your visit to a website. The information can not be traced back to individuals.
If we use Google AdWords, we can, by code, see which links led to clicks. The information can not be traced back to individuals.

Google Adwords Remarketing
Places cookies on your computer that allows Google to show you ads that you may be interested in after your visit to a website. The information can not be traced back to individuals.

Read more about how Google uses different cookies

Read more about how Google Analytics uses collected data

We handle the following information:
Name, address, VAT-no, phone number, e-mailaddress.

Communication between you and us

How long we will save your data
VWe save your data as long as our cooperation is in progress. You can choose to delete your personal information at any time.

Your rights
you may refuse marketing material from us and may do so by:

Contact us by
Concat ut by if you wish a copy of your personal information.

How we protect data and information
Our site has encryption through SSL-certificate.

Changes and additions to our terms and conditions
If we have change any of our terms and conditions, we will update the information on this page.
Last updated 23 august 2018.

Contact us
Contact us if you have questions